Arava Institute for Environmental Studies
Leading environmental academic and research institution in the Middle East with a goal to provide the area with a new generation of environmental professionals that will meet the region’s environmental challenges with rich and innovative peace-building solutions. Renewal of support for ‘Peace-building and Environmental Leadership’ academic programme and specifically for the Leadership Seminar. Request for £15,000. Agreed £10,000
World ORT Trust
Advancement of Jewish and other people through training and education. Renewed support for the annual Wingate Seminars but for a new programme for Aspiring Educational Managers and Leaders. Request for £25,000 pa for three years. Agreed £17,500 pa for three years
Hillel: the Right to Choose
Helping those who choose to leave the Haredi community to successfully integrate into Israeli society. Renewal of support. Request for £6,500. Agreed £5,000
A New Way
Developing tolerance and respect between Jews and Arabs via creation of long-term partnerships between paired Jewish and Arab schools. Support for two pairs of schools; one a new programme and one on-going. Renewal of support. Request for £12,000. Agreed £8,000
Anne Frank Trust UK
Challenging prejudice and reducing hatred by drawing on the power of Anne Frank and the historical backdrop to her life and diary and using that power to embrace positive attitude, personal responsibility and respect for others. Request for three year support to fund educational work in three schools a year which would reach over 750 young people and recruit more than twenty Ambassadors each year. Request for £12,237 pa for three years. Agreed £6,000 pa for three years.
MEET (Middle East Education through Technology)
Providing programmes for Jewish and Arab youth teaching them technology, entrepreneurship and leadership. Request for £50,000 to support 40 Jewish and 40 Arab students to attend a month long summer camp at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2015. Cost per student to attend is £1,831.25. Agreed £3,750 in respect of one Arab and one Jew.